Individual and Team Collaboration

Individual and Team Collaboration

The GPULab approach to collaboration in data science is simple and straightforward. GPULab offers JupyterNotebooks (managed by JupyterLab,) and the Git application atop a standard Linux filesystem for managing source code. The Git application communicates source code changes with numerous cloud and private hosted Git repository services, such as GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Microsoft Azure Repos, Google Cloud Source Repositories, AWS CodeCommit, Gitea, and many more.

git collaboration

Community-based Git repositories have proven themselves enormously successful. GitHub boasts over 30 million accounts and over 90 million repositories, ranging from single developer hobby projects, to Kubernetes, with over three thousand contributors and two million lines of code.

GPULab’s goal is to remain as portable and vendor-neutral as possible, believing it is unnecessary to tie any data science project to a specific cloud provider, including GPULab.